Weekly Updates From the COTI Team

At COTI, we are always working hard to deliver the best and even when it is quiet on the surface, be sure that the team is working around the clock to build up. Here is our weekly recap:

3 min readMar 26, 2021
  • Shahaf Bar-Geffen met with Simplex CEO Nimrod Lehavi to discuss COTI’s upcoming debit cards and crypto-friendly bank accounts. In the video below, we are revealing some updates regarding the credit cards issuance timeline, the benefits of becoming a design partner as well as what it means to have a bank account through the COTI app, and more.

Watch the full interview:

  • Part of today’s various DeFi platforms appeal is their users’ expectations. They revolve not only around their main functionalities but also around the expected additional benefits such as rewards ​in various forms.
    This week we published an article explaining the various forms of the CVI platform reward mechanism, and how it benefits the user of the platform as well as keeping it safe from manipulations: https://cviofficial.medium.com/crypto-volatility-index-reward-mechanism-1fc87e73a72b
  • Even more so, it was decided we will be doubling the $GOVI rewards for traders. As we constantly evaluate the platform’s incentives we set rewards in order to ensure we encourage the right user behaviour. We are now optimizing towards increasing the platform fees that $GOVI stakers will collect. ​To make it possible, we are increasing the rewards for trading on the platform (buying and selling a position).

Have a great weekend and STAY COTI!

For all of our updates and to join the conversation, be sure to check out our channels:

Website: https://coti.io

Twitter: https://twitter.com/COTInetwork

Telegram: https://t.me/COTInetwork

Github: https://github.com/coti-io

Discord: https://discord.me/coti

Technical whitepaper: https://coti.io/files/COTI-technical-whitepaper.pdf




COTI is the fastest and lightest confidentiality layer on Ethereum.