Meet the Tracer Node — COTI’s New Mainnet Node

2 min readJan 19, 2023


We are happy to share that a new Mainnet Node has been added to the COTI network: Tracer Node! The new node is already live and it is the first new Mainnet node to be added in 2023!

One of the core things we value at COTI is the active participation of our community members. This factor influences the way we choose new node operators, and as such, the selection process for the operators is not solely dependent on the length of their wait, but also on the nature of their activity as well as their contribution to the network.

Choosing whoistracer as the next COTI community node was an obvious choice for us due to a winning combination of him being both a long time Testnet node operator and a valuable community member. Whoistracer has been running a Testnet node for over two years, and he is one of COTI’s first community podcast creator and co-host, helping to spread the word about COTI. We are happy to have him on board!

Here is what whoistracer had to say:

“I am extremely honoured to officially become a part of the COTI ecosystem. After joining the community in 2019 and #DYOR it was immediately apparent that COTI was different.

Their unique approach, staying ahead of regulation and focusing on Merchant and Enterprise payments intrigued me. From that point I realized that COTI was carving their own path and setting themselves on a course opposite the rest.

The support I’ve received from the community recently has been overwhelming. It truly is a positive, uplifting space. Standing out in a group like this is a challenge, but members like GeordieR are special. Thanks to Geordie, who has been integral in helping so many of us on testnet through the years!

Excited to be a small part of COTI’s future. Thanks for the opportunity… and as always, STAY COTI.”

The demand to become a COTI Mainnet node operator is still high, and one of our goals for 2023 is to expand the number of new Mainnet node operators, by allowing more Testnet operators to run a Mainnet node.

We are happy to have whoistracer join the COTI node operators team and we wish him all the success with his new Mainnet node!

Stay COTI!

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