COTI’s QA version of the private MainNet is live, and our R&D team is working hard to fix bugs and make it ready for the private MainNet release.
Next week, we will be launching the private MainNet, which means we’ll be sending you a link to set up your COTI wallet in preparation for the receipt of your COTI coins.
During this time, we will be sharing a written guide, as well as a video walkthrough for opening your COTI MainNet wallet. The process is incredibly simple and user-friendly, as those who opened a TestNet wallet already know.
In the meantime, please go over the following instructions to make sure you are fully prepared to open your wallet next week.
How to verify your account
In order to open a COTI wallet, you will need to provide one Proof of Identity (POI) item and one Proof of Residence (POR) document. Your initial trust score will be based on your verification process. Both documents must be legible color copies with four visible edges in png, jpg, or pdf format.
Please provide one of the following: a valid government-issued identification card, such as a passport or a national identity document (ID).
Examples are provided below:
National identity document / driver’s license / passport
Please provide one of the following: a recent utility bill (e.g. telephone, electricity, water, or gas bill), a personal bank statement, or a credit card statement.
Please make sure the document includes your full name and address, preferably in English.
Examples are provided below:
Bank Statement
Gas bill / water bill / electricity bill
For the upcoming month’s schedule in its entirety, please click here.
If you have any questions, or want to double check that your verification documents are valid, please don’t hesitate to contact us at